Caledonia Lodge 637

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In The Beginning (1926)              Translate this page into French.

Caledonia Lodge owes its inception to a wide-spread desire to have, in the Eastern part of Toronto, a Masonic Lodge of peculiarly Scottish sympathies and affiliations. Thus reads the introduction to "The History of Formation and Progress" in our archives.

The first Brothers of Caledonia Lodge started their masonic life in Stevenson Lodge G.R,C. 218 which is now no longer but is remembered by being  Perpetuated on the front of Caledonia's summons and in the hearts of those members that have joined Caledonia Lodge in the year 2002.

Caledonia Lodge has changed with the times over the last 75 years, but stills celebrates in January its Scottish heritage,  with a Robbie Burns night,  in March on the 3rd Monday we celebrate our Irish cousins with a St.Patties night.
Many of our members are still of Scottish descent and kilts are still worn by a number of Brothers,  but Brothers from many nationalities are now members as well,  including our Irish Brothers in which we also have a special night to celebrate St. Patrick. (Please see our Special Events link for further details about these two evenings.

One tradition special to Caledonia Lodge is that at the end of the banquet, the Brothers of Caledonia and visitors all circle around the banquet hall and hold hands and sing Olde Lang Sang

On January 18th, 1926; the institutional ceremonies were conducted by Rt. Worshipful Brother J.S.A. Whealey, D.D.G.M. of Toronto District B. There were 78 names on the Charter list. The first candidate was initiated at the next regular meeting in February of that year.  In that first year 61 further candidates  for initiation and 15 affiliates were welcomed into Caledonia. Caledonia's capacity for work has always defied the imaginations of many in Lodges that we are disposed to regard as less favoured. And these many years of uplifting contribution to the Craft give the lie to any who might suggest "degree-mil" tactics.     

The history of Caledonia owes itself to the many Brothers who have supported her throughout the years. In this respect this section will try its best to record as many pictures of them as possible.  You may be gone but never forgotten.   The first set of pictures will show the past masters that have served Caledonia Lodge over the years. (see past masters) This section will continue to expand as time permits and as pictures become available.     

  Past Master Images     Past Officer Images